Kenwood NXR1800 UHF Repeater for Two-Way Radios

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Kenwood NXR1800 UHF Repeater for Two-Way Radios


This small, multi-mode conventional repeater is a Kenwood specialty and essential piece of digital communications equipment. It has all the capabilities and functionality needed to be a respectable replacement for the current DMR and NXDN repeaters. When placing an order to configure individual units for DMR or NXDN, the CAI is selected; the factory default setting of FM analog can also be retained.

The NXR-1000 Series comes with built-in features for secure remote programming, firmware upgrades, SNMP monitoring, voice logging, IP console, OTAP clients, event and hardware logging, and tiered user administration responsibilities.

This item requires programming before it can be used. Please contact us for more information on programming and to ensure compatibility with your existing system.

All repeaters pricing if for the base unit, for complete packages call for pricing.

Feature Overview:

Light, Compact and Space Efficient
Easy visible 1.71-inch OLED Display
Built-in IP Network Adapter
IP Remote Management
Multi-Site Conventional IP Network (OP)
Flexible redundancy configuration
SIP phone interface (OP)

Digital Features:

NXDN or DMR digital CAI (OP) and FM analog
Built-in AMBE+2 Vocoder
Mixed Analog / Digital Operation
Encrypted Voice/Data Repeat
TDMA 2-slot 12.5 kHz bandwidth
DMR Tier II Conventional Operation
Call Interruption
FDMA - 6.25 kHz & 12.5 kHz modes
NXDN Conventional Operation

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